Title I-A Program
Oakdale Middle School is a Title I-A school, where federal funds are provided to increase student learning. Due to our qualifying status as ‘school-wide’, all students are eligible for services. Our highly qualified staff are dedicated to providing effective instruction that is research-based, timely, and specific to student needs. Caregivers who are concerned about the academic or social development of their child are encouraged to schedule an individual conference by contacting the front office.
Research has shown us that family engagement is critical to a child's success in education. Oakdale families are encouraged to be engaged by volunteering in the classroom as a VIM, attending conferences for their students, contacting teachers by email/phone or by attending Site Council/School Improvement team/PTO meetings. During the school year, we host many family activities, including an Open House, Academic Honors Family Night, and Parent Workshops.
All Medford Schools have a School Improvement Plan At-A-Glance that contains a Family Engagement Plan to ensure that activities are planned to include families. Oakdale's MSD Promise spells out the goals, expection, and shared responsibilities of the school staff, caregivers, students and the school community for student success. Please contact us if you would like to serve on a committee or if you have questions or suggestions regarding Family Engagement.
Karina Rizo, Principal
Medford School Board Policies
Title I-A/Parent Family Involvement
Title I-A/Parent Family Involvement Administrative Rule